A day in Miami, Florida

Miami is all water looking down from the plane window, with pockets of swamps, and wetlands checkered across the open space. And all water looking out the taxi window,  with bays and ports in the distance across the main roads. And all water looking out the balcony where I stayed... All water, a bit gray, but very gorgeous.

One of the fun part about the Miami (and later on, Jamaica) trip is, I lived for a week with 3 others ladies (one friend from college into grad school, one friend from grad sch and one a new friend). I am one of those people who label stuff and know where everything is located in my bag. In other words, I do not litter or let my things wander, as you will see below, but, I had to accommodate their differences as they accommodate my eccentricities.

Our flexibility and mutual respect made for a most memorable trip. :). I will go into details later, but suffice to say, my weirdness and fondness of the unusual, their "extra" zest for life and fun and our spunky, grad sch wired minds made our trip incredibly exciting.


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