
Showing posts from June, 2018

Letter: Writing Again (Again!!!)

I have decided to start writing again! My last post was in 2014. A few things happened and I lost interest in continuing my hobby. At the time, I was a 3rd year graduate student and had just begun working on my graduate thesis work when I suddenly found myself in a position where I needed to begin afresh in a new lab. Thankfully, the transition, academically was smooth. There were positive mentors around me who encouraged me and got me right on track. But, as I buried myself in this new found goal of completing my new thesis project, publishing manuscripts, defending my dissertation and graduating "on time", I found myself distant from the small joys of writing and posting a paragraph or two about my life.  Now, I have my Ph.D. I am a postdoctoral fellow and I am ready to begin a second fellowship in just under two months. Despite life and career being even more challenging than graduate school, I found time management is what allows me to shoulder multiple aspects of l...