My last trip of the year 2013!

So happy, I met  (and exceeded) my travel goals for the year 2013. I set the goal for 2 international trips and 5 local (within the U.S) trips. I went on several small trips within the country: 
New York
New Jersey
Miami, Florida
San Antonio, Texas
Houston, Texas

And of course, awesome day trips in Rhode Island and Boston. Because, the best fun is always right where you live, the one where you never bother bringing a camera but end up having the most adventurous and fun time.

My international trips consisted of Mexico, Jamaica and now....drum roll.... Nigeria.

So glad I went on these trips, I met awesome friends in Mexico and went with friends to Jamaica and now hoping to meet with friends and family again in Nigeria. To celebrate Christmas and ring in the New Year.

Now that I know it is doable, to travel and work and do other things in between, I am planning my 2014 with traveling in mind. To help me with my travel inspirations, I read several travelers blogs. I particularly favor travelers that juggle traveling with their work. It inspires me to plan my travels, albeit at a smaller, more affordable scale.

How was your travel plans for 2013? Did you meet all of them, some of them or none at all? Any new travel plans for 2014?


  1. So jealous :(. When do u go back to Nigeria? Merry X'mas and happy new year!

    1. Hi Mai,
      How are you? It's being so long, we should meet up when we're both on campus. I leave in a couple of days. Merry X'mas and happy new year to you too.


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