Artiscence or Artiscience? I Ponder.

I have always loved Arts and Sciences. Going to a liberal arts college only made it easier. So much so, I majored in Biology and minored in English Literature as an Undergrad. I read anthologies voraciously while simultaneously studying Genetics and Biochemistry. Minoring in Eng. Lit brought much needed relieve from studying (and barely understanding) Physics and Biotechnology. Some of the classes I took for my minor were:

1. English: Tragic Vision (and you guessed it, we read Oedipus, Chronicles of a Death Foretold, and Hegel versus Aristotle's Tragedy Theories).

2. The Old Testament ( the Old Testament as literature; its cultural relation to biblical times and its impact on the subsequent literature of the Judeo-Christian world).

3. Creative Writing ( learning to write imaginative short stories and poems. fun class).

4. Short Story Workshop (an advanced workshop for short story and novel writers aiming at publication).

I love to write, read, sky-watch, sing, travel...and I am into astrophotography (barely there yet...). So yeah, you get the point. I love Arts as much as I love Science. 

So when I wanted to start blogging, I wanted a name that reflects me the most. Something that incorporates my love for art, science, travel, astrophotography, sky-watching, reading, writing, music and all the other crazy hobbies I have ^..^.  I came up with the name Artiscence. Which, simply put, is a combination of Art and Science, with the letter 'i' in science acting as a conjunction letter between art and science. Sort of like the glue between two words.

So, imagine my surprise when I saw the word Artiscience as well. As an actual word! Not found in the dictionary...yet. But definitely a word, and here comes the meaning:

artiscience [ar-tis'i-əns]: n., 1. the theory and practice of integrating art(s) and science(s); 2. knowledge of relations between arts and sciences. Hence, artiscient: adj. exhibiting or practising artiscience.

I don't if I should be pleased or indignant about this discovery of mine. One the one hand, I thought I was being original in coming up with my blog name (in a way I was as I had virtually no idea anything else existed until I saw this video). On the other hand, I am quite pleased that I was on to something when I came up with a name that reflects arts and sciences. And that someone else somewhere could arrive at the same idea.

Here's the video explaining their version of how an amalgamation of arts and sciences came into one word.


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