My Brother's Graduation

The main reason I went to Buffalo NY in the first place was to attend my younger brother's graduation ceremony. And so, after all the site seeing and picture taking, we got ready and went off to watch my brother walk and to take more pictures.
My Brother walking towards Niagara Falls

Proud parents in traditional attire
Of course, my parents went all out in a very traditional outfit, and needless to say, we got a few stares. And people looking at them while we took pictures. The outfits were very bright and cool. Definitely something different from your every day attire. Turns out we weren't the only ones in traditional attires. Families from Nigeria, Ghana and India were all dressed traditional. It was neat to see such diversity.

The ceremony was a lot of fun, as proud parents and families hooted and whistled as students walked to get their diploma. My brother graduated with a B.S. in Civil Engineering. He minored in Economics. I am very proud of him!

There's my brother on the screen with the big smile

After the ceremony, a few of his friends invited us over for a small party planned for him. It was fun, and I got to eat as much Nigerian food as I wanted.


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